Monday, February 27, 2006

"4th Day (3rd Day)"

"4th Day (3rd Day)"

Greetings reader(s),

Today is my 4th (3rd actually, since i skipped a day on Friday) day at Sunway, and my first week of lessons.

I only had 2 hours of classes (and hour a class) today; but don't let the short hours fool you, both classes are stretched from the morning till the late noon so i had to stay in uni. for 5 hours. Had a lecture of Management & Organisation Behaviour from 11.30am-12.30am, and a 3 hour break till our next class; Microeconomic Principle workshop that ends at 4.30pm. zZzZz....kena force to stay back. It's not fun.

Workshops are actually non-compulsory classes; but they're strongly advised to be attended. and yes, i'm going to attend every one of em' :]

Enough bout uni. for now. Another random thought: sometimes y'know, it's kind of annoying that you know that there are people reading your blog, but you just don't know who's reading. So anybody, or somebody, at least leave a message at the chatterbox and at least just to let me know about your presence, that you're actually a visitor of my blog. II just want to know who you are. This especially goes out to K3-ians 2005.

Oh yea, another thing; did you know that there isn't a K3 2006? :)

Blessed, i hope i will be, with a better day tomorrow.



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