Friday, March 03, 2006



Greetings reader(s),

It's been awhile since i last made an entry. My apologies for the slow update. Nothing's been up lately. Everything's been down..HAHA! geddit? Get it? It's suppose to be a lame joke... o_O nevermind that, well ignore that for awhile.. :]

It's the weekenD! Yay! Woopeedoo0! o_O Finally it's here...always looked forward to Fridays :) matter..this weekend will be sorta meaningless for me O_o? Tomorrow (Saturday) we're (Victoria Uni. students) forced to attend uni. because we have something very important to do. Gotta be there by 9am so it ain't really a weekend for me :(

Click on the pic to enlarge it.

As it says there, "Filling in of VU and Sunway Enrollment Forms"..

What? I thought i did that already before orientation o_O? I don't really get it myself loh..i'm sorta confused..i thought we (Victoria Uni. students) enrolled already...and check out the bottom line; we gotta bring black ball-point pen o_O?


Above all far, stuff at Victoria Uni. has been going smoothly. I like my lecturers. I think they're kinda cool...especially that Mr.Zain Augustin fella. haha..'s been great to see familiar faces at Sunway, especially some of my buddies now currently enrolled in Monash. But somehow, i haven't been able to lay sights on what i'm looking for ;)



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