Monday, June 12, 2006

"Glorious End"

"Glorious End"

Tomorrow, 9.00am; Tuesday - 13th June 2006.

Once again I am faced with inevitable war. After weeks of training and preparation, i think it's about time we bring ends to a meet.

A year ago i always believed that what things will be, are meant to be. I was a down-to-earth person who believes all things happen because... it was meant to be!

I only believed things that can be scientifically proven. Religion, luck, prayers - meant nothing to me.

A day ago i was told a simple prayer could change the tide, to my favor in a large scale. For as long as we put our trust in Him, keep His promises cause..... a prayer changes things..

Tomorrow begins my first paper for my finals for this semester. Just a simple prayer request to my fellow brothers and sisters out there - i, with a sincere heart, request for you all (who wants to pray for me :)) to pray for my safe outcome for this war. I will truly appreciate what you have done for me and who knows someday, somehow you will get rewarded in the long run :)

thank you and God bless you all :)

And to my all my friends who are undergoing the examination season -

A Prayer For Exams

Lord, grant me a quiet heart
Before examinations start.
Teach me to use my leisure hours
To rejuvenate my powers;
My mind from day-dreams liberate
Give me the will to concentrate.
From all distractions set me free,
That in my studies I may be
A student with this sole intent
To make my work a sacrament.
From my faint heart, in love, expel
All failures, fears, that therein dwell;
And from my pillows drive away
All dark forebodings of the day.
Help me in faith to rest so deep
That I may have untroubled sleep.

While notes and lessons I prepare
May I not lose my zeal for prayer;
And may I not forget to look
For daily guidance in Thy Book.
In quietness, confidence and peace
May I have sure and swift release
From needless fears and apprehensions,
From outward strain and inward tension.
And may I ever grateful be
To all who often pray for me
While for myself I intercede,
For other students plead
So may examinations find
Each one alert in heart and mind.
Thus inward joy and peace possessing –
Exams will provide a source of blessing.

Well i believe that a prayer alone will definitely NOT truly save me single-handedly in this exam, so i'm going to do my bid in helping myself get past this exam with flying colors.

Time to continue where i left off.

Matthews 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."

- take care and God bless, everyone :)

- tsencai.

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