Sunday, November 27, 2005

"Awan's Seven-in-One - Part II"

"Awan's Seven-in-One - Part II"

Continued from previous post @ Awan's Seven-in-One - Part I

Now that the first 4 swords are assembled the base sword can be put into the 5th and final stage (Phase 3 assembly). In this phase the base blade is complete closed, so in essence it’s the same as the 3rd phase. Now what this closing of the base blade does is 1.) It locks the impact sword and the 3rd and 4th blades together (red) and 2.) Now permits the 2 switch blades to be placed in the assembly:

Here you can see that the blade for the impact and the 3rd and 4th swords connect seamlessly. This also points out more accurately how the tips for the 3rd and 4th swords are shaped:

The Switch Blades (5th and 6th swords)

The switch blades are also identical to one another and are the smallest of all the other swords. They are also the only 2 swords whose handles flip up before being assembled (hence, switch blades). Now there is a lot of complications and mysteries surrounding these blades. The first one being that the assembly of the 5th sword is almost impossible to spot but after reviewing the footage over and over again I’ve finally found where it occurs.

First of all, this is the 5th sword (red) and the 6th is still in Fenrir.

You have to really pay attention to see the assembly of the 5th. It occurs just after Cloud throws Loz off his bike in the tunnel. Here you can see there is no switch blade on the main sword on this side (red), plus a piece of the 5th sword sticking out behind Cloud (yellow). This is a screen just as Loz is jumping off his bike onto Clouds.

Here we can see there is also no switch blade on the other side of the main sword (red). I know it’s hard to see but play back your own copy in slow motion here and you’ll see for yourself.

Now look really closely at Cloud here. This is just as he has thrown Loz into the air. You can see the main sword on his right (red) and the 5th sword in his left (green). It is at that moment when Loz is landing back on his bike and Yazoo is shooting at Cloud that Cloud assembles the 5th sword and takes the 6th out of Fenrir.

Here is the 6th (red) and the 5th sword in the main sword assembly (yellow).

Here I’m just showing how the switch blades pivot. Notice the pivot point (red). The handle will swing in (yellow) when it is being assembled.

Here is nice screenshot of how one of the switch blades looks in the assembly. Do notice the how the handle has flipped up on the 5th sword in the assembly (green):

Here is the 6th sword being assembled during the tunnel battle (red):

The assembly for the switch blades is not very complicated. All it requires his for Cloud to close the handle (red) and slide the blade into place (green). I should point out that the 5th and 6th blades at NOT interchangeable. By that I mean, there is one made for the left side of the sword and one made for the right. Same applies for the 3rd and 4th swords:

So now you know how all 6 swords work in Cloud’s assembly. I have to admit it was pure genius of them to make his sword in such a way. It made the final moments with Sephiroth very interesting to say the least.

Finally..done. Long post and difficult post even though its a copy-paste thing. O_o

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