Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"New stuff. Good stuff. Enjoy :)"

Greetings, reader(s).

Haha i finally got this stand-alone version of a song that i've always been looking for. now i've got it, finally. Many thanx to a special horizontally-challenged old friend of mine :) If you (the horizontally-challenged old friend) happen to read this, thank you :)

Haha...the song is In Christ Alone by Stuart Townend.
It's a very beautifully written song and I suggest you have a hear at it. I manage to upload here, so just select the song and patiently wait for it to download till completion :)

The other version, which can only be heard by going through a link (very mar fan) is sang differently, but nevertheless written by the same person; Stuart Townend. Still very nice :) and meaningful.

The link (if you're too lazy to scroll down to see the links o_O)

Worshipping Together: A Soldier's Inspiration

Yes. Worshipping together; through a soldier's inspiration.

The true uplifting story of an American soldier stationed in Iraq who daily finds spiritual hope in the modern anthem "In Christ Alone".

I'd write the summary of the full story behind the song, but i think it be better of it be read fully :)

Here's the link

The Song Story: "In Christ Alone"

Enjoy :)

It's late now. Gotta get to bed.

Cheers :)

1 comment:

Liew Tsen Cai, Joshua said...
